Appendix 2 – Proposals where objections are upheld in part


1.         Site 4 Earl Street and Mann Street (Councillor Daniel)

1.1       The proposal at this location is to replace existing pay and display only bays with pay and display and permit holders, extending the operational times of bays from 9am-6pm to 9am-8pm (shared use). To reduce the existing bays to install double yellow lines to protect accesses.

1.2       Three objections have been received from local residents and a local business. The objections are on the grounds that the furniture store will not be able to load and unload due to vehicles parking in one of the proposed shared use bays in Earl Street. The business has requested introduction of double yellow lines outside of the goods inward access which is not designed for a vehicle. One of the objections is also on the grounds that as a blue badge holder they will no longer be able to use the pay and display only bays for parking as they will be occupied by permit holders and requests that consideration is given to change the maximum stay and charges for pay and display. One of the objections is also on the grounds that there is a martial arts club in Earl Street and visitors to it currently struggle to find parking. Two of the objections note the closure of the Cornwallis Street car park and this has increased the demand for parking in the area, which was a decision made by Hastings Borough Council.

1.3       The proposal follows two requests, one to increase the provision of parking for permit holders within Zone E, the other for a bay to be shortened as it currently goes over access points to off-street parking with dropped kerbs.

1.4       Having considered all the objections, officers are satisfied that there are sufficient grounds to modify the proposal. As it is not possible to introduce further restrictions at this stage without further consultation, officers recommend that the proposal for permit holder and pay and display with the extended operational time of 9am-8pm in the north west side of Earl Street is modified. The modified proposal would see the bay be reduced in length up to the proposed double yellow lines, an extension to the operational time to 9am-8pm and for the bay to remain pay and display only. This should allow for deliveries to take place outside the furniture store and visitors to park if the shared use bays are occupied. In Hastings, blue badge holders can park without time limit or payment in pay and display bays and shared used permit holder and pay and display bays. 

1.5      Recommendation: To uphold, in part, certain objections and to modify the proposal by removing one of the proposed shared use bays, to remain as pay and display only.


2.         Site 5 Edmund Road, Edwin Road, Githa Road and Godwin Road (Councillor Hilton)

2.1         The proposals at these locations are to install junction protection markings with double yellow lines and change the school keep clear, in Githa Road, time period from during school term time to except August.

2.1         9 objections have been received from local residents, 8 of these are on the grounds that the proposed extent of junction protection markings on the west side of Edmund Road should be shortened for the benefit of the residents. The other objection is on the grounds that issues only occur during school drop off and pickup, also when residents return from work with commercial vehicles. They object to restricting parking, and to the proposed extent of junction protection markings on the south side of Githa Road.

2.2         The proposal follows three requests for junction protection markings and the need to review all school keep clears within the Hastings Borough. The legend ‘during school term time’ is no longer permitted.

2.3         Having considered all the objections, officers are satisfied that the proposals can be modified slightly as to allow parking in front of 14 Edmund Road. Other reductions of the double yellow lines have been considered and would no longer protect the junctions. Reducing the double yellow lines on the south side of Githa Road was considered but vehicles should not be parking at this location as there is a dropped kerb and tactile crossing. Officers are satisfied that there are not sufficient grounds to modify the proposed changes to the school keep clear.

2.4         At the time of writing, Councillor Hilton has not replied to provide their views regarding the recommendation.

2.6       Recommendation: To uphold, in part, the objections and to modify the proposal.


3.         Site 6 Mount Road (Councillor Hilton)

3.1      The proposal at this location is to install a loading ban at any time along Mount Road and at its junction with Old London Road, also to install a Loading bay Mon to Sat 8am-6pm and double yellow lines.

3.2      Four objections have been received from local residents, on the grounds that the loading bay removes valuable parking from residents and permits unloading for large goods vehicles.

3.3      The proposal follows a request from a local resident for a loading ban, due to delivery vehicles parking on the existing double yellow lines close to the junction. The proposal was designed to meet the needs of the community providing a space in close proximity to the businesses allowing loading and unloading, addressing safety concerns raised about large vehicles loading and unloading close to the junction.


3.4      Having considered all the objections, officers are satisfied that the proposals can be modified, by reducing the length of the loading bay by 1 metre and reducing the extent of the east side loading ban to 15 metres from its junction with Old London Road. This will maintain safety at the junction. Consideration was given to removing the proposed double yellow lines and loading bay but doing so would not improve traffic flow and general road safety in the area. Without the provision of a loading bay in this location vehicles needing to load and unload would likely cause an obstruction by unloading on the carriageway. It is recognised that it is often difficult to satisfy the needs of all road users and with a limited amount of kerbside space available, there needs to be a balance between the conflicting demands on that space.

3.5      At the time of writing, Councillor Hilton has not replied to provide their views regarding the recommendation.

3.6       Recommendation: To uphold, in part, the objections and to modify the proposal.


4.         Site 7 Old London Road and Fairlight Road (Councillor Hay)

4.1       The proposal at this location is to install a loading goods vehicles only bay, 8am-6pm, max stay 1 hour no return within 2 hours, replace a section of no waiting 8am-6pm and no loading Mon to Sat 8.30-9.30am and 4.45-6pm to no waiting at any time and no loading at any time.

4.2       5 objections have been received, 2 of which have been withdrawn. One objection is on the grounds that vehicles will not be able to load and unload, the loading ban is not needed at all times and the proposed loading bay is not suitable. One objection is on the grounds that shoppers will have great difficulty finding a parking place due to the extension of the double yellow lines and loading bay, and that the proposal will have no impact on safety, requesting consideration for reduction of the existing restrictions. One objection is on the grounds that vehicles currently park on the yellow lines to enter the Co-Op despite off-street parking available to customers and is of the view that there is little enforcement of the current restrictions.

4.3       The proposal follows a request from our Traffic and Safety team to consider a loading ban at this location. Congestion occurs when vehicles park on the double yellow lines outside of Tesco Express and it has been identified as a local safety site due to the number of personal injury crashes. Since the request was assessed there has been an additional personal injury crash.

4.4       Having considered all the objections, officers are satisfied that the proposals can be modified, removing the proposed loading bay and reducing the loading ban from at any time to 7am-10am and 4pm-7pm on all days, which is an extension to the existing loading ban operational time. This will help prevent dangerous parking during peak times as well as improving traffic flow and general road safety in the area. Consideration was given to removal of the extension of double yellow lines but the lines will keep the area clear of parked vehicles, thus ensuring traffic flow is maintained especially during peak times.

4.5       Councillor Hay has confirmed his support for the modified proposal to be implemented.

4.6       Recommendation: To uphold, in part, the objections and to modify the proposal.


5.         Site 8 Sea Road (Councillor Beaver)

5.1       The proposal at this location is to replace existing bus/ coach bay with cars, light vans and motor cycles only.

5.2       One objection has been received on behalf of West St Leonards neighbourhood forum, on the grounds that the bays are frequently used, and local visitors should not be making short journeys by car.

5.3       The proposal follows a request to increase the provision of parking for residents as the bay is underutilised. Site visits were conducted of the bays in Sea Road and Falaise Road on different days of the week and at different times of the day in November 2022, July 2023 and August 2023. In Sea Road, out of the forty-five visits, nine recorded at least one vehicle and one occasion the bay was full in July. The alternative bus/ coach bays in Falaise Road did not reach full capacity during the survey.

5.4       Having considered the objection, officers are satisfied that the proposals can be modified, reducing the existing Bus/ Public Service Vehicle bay by 61 metres and to extend the cars, light vans and motor cycles only bay. At no point during the survey was the alternative parking in Falaise Road not able to accommodate all of the vehicles in the Sea Road bay.  

5.5       At the time of writing, Councillor Beaver has not replied to provide their views regarding the recommendation.

5.6       Recommendation: To uphold, in part, the objection and to modify the proposal.


6.         Site 9 St Helens Crescent (Councillor Marlow-Eastwood)

6.1       The proposal at this location is to install double yellow lines at the entrance to its Cul de Sac and the entrance to Alexandra Park Mansions and Kenrith Court.

6.2       Eleven objections have been received on the grounds that the proposals reduce parking in an area which has high demand. Three of the objections only oppose the yellow lines proposed at the entrance to Alexandra Park Mansions and Kenrith Court.

6.3       The proposal follows a request from a Borough Councillor on behalf of residents as waste collection services have been unable to gain access on several occasions due to vehicles parked at the entrance of the Cul de Sac.

6.4       Having considered all the objections, officers are satisfied that the proposals can be modified, removing the double yellow lines at the entrance to Alexandra Park Mansions and Kenrith Court. It is recognised that it is often difficult to satisfy the needs of all road users and with a limited amount of kerbside space available, there needs to be a balance between the conflicting demands on that space.

6.5       Councillor Marlow-Eastwood has confirmed her support for the modified proposal to be implemented.

6.6       Recommendation: To uphold, in part, the objections and to modify the proposal.